The latest fact sheets, reports, toolkits, and guidance to increase vaccine confidence among health care personnel and in their communities.
The NIHCM Foundation published an infographic that explores what we currently know about long COVID.
Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly speaks about Long COVID and the importance of remaining vigilant.
Parents who turn down COVID-19 vaccines for their kids can regret it when they get sick.
Jen Singer was an active cyclist who could easily keep up with her young adult sons. Her COVID-19 illness eventually led to heart failure and a pacemaker.
Caitlyn Barber, 28, was a competitive runner who had completed five half-marathons. Her initial mild COVID-19 illness has turned into an 18-month ordeal.
As COVID-19 spreads, a growing number of patients are suffering debilitating long-term symptoms, including extreme fatigue, cognitive deficiencies, and pain.