The latest fact sheets, reports, toolkits, and guidance to increase vaccine confidence among health care personnel and in their communities.
Four years after the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, experts know a lot about mutating strains, vaccine effectiveness, long COVID, and other common questions.
New RTI Press publication showcases innovations to help health professionals address medical misinformation.
The NIHCM Foundation published an infographic that explores what we currently know about long COVID.
Anthony Fauci, MD, on fighting misinformation, inspiring the next generation, and why we still need physician-scientists
Clearing up the ifs, whens, and whys of supplemental doses of the vaccine.
Most people now have immunity against severe disease and death due to COVID-19, but experts hope new vaccines will curb infections and prevent further mutations
Poor kidney function can lead to severe disease, which is why some patients and providers have been strong advocates for vaccination.
The director of the PBS documentary reveals what he discovered about those reluctant to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Fear of harming their unborn are keeping some expectant mothers from getting vaccinated. These strategies may help build confidence in the COVID vaccines.
The AAMC Center for Health Justice polled a nationally representative sample of adults across the United States to gauge their levels of trust in institutions.